Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cha, Cha, Changes!...

Changes from OG PopCast to PopCast 2.0.
1. Looking for a new co-host, maybe two. =)
2. Going to compress future episodes to less than 25 megs each so it can fit onto the new free host site.
3. Moving the host site to, which I have already set up a free account at.
4. Cursing will no longer be a dirty word =) Not going to be a family show anymore.
5. Much broader topics than OGP, and much fewer of them. I want the show down to about an hour and a half or so. The flow of news runs far to fast to keep up, so instead of news aggregation, it will be more of a topic discussion.
6. The topics will be suggested by YOU the listener =) Unless they suck. =)
7. The phone number AND facebook fanpage will remain the same =)
8. There will be guest hosts, including DeAno and Mario, possibly Joseph Dillworth Jr from PopCulture Zoo and who knows who else =)
9. I will be using Skype extensively to record instead of forcing everyone to be in the same room.
10. I may have to resume my twitter feeds again (scary!) and get back into that so I can have any chance at all at celebrity interviews. Felicia Day is still the goal, though I might (big might) have an in with another, equally geeky celeb whom I will not spoil here. =)

Wish PopCast luck!

1 comment:

  1. *Update* I lost my password for the old PopCast google voice #, so I am getting a new one. A very cool one that I will post as soon as I have validated it.
    I now have a co-host, who's name also happens to be Matt, so we might have to do something about that. Nicknames? Maybe. I will keep you updated on any further changes.
